
A selection of projects that I'm not too ashamed of

VR Presentation Application

VR Presentation Application

Designed and implemented a novel presentation practice environment in Unity which targets the Meta Quest 2 Virtual Reality Headset

NES "Bomberman" Game Clone

NES "Bomberman" Game Clone

Implemented the classic game “Bomberman” into a large existing codebase (Covy.Town) using React and TypeScript, hosted new app feature on

5-Stage Pipelined ARM Processor

5-Stage Pipelined ARM Processor

Designed and implemented a multistage processor for the ARM instruction set using Verilog which supports 64-bit instructions and branching.

"Hare of Ruin" Video Game

"Hare of Ruin" Video Game

Story-boarded, designed, and built a video game in Unity / C#. A rabbit goes on a quest to save his kidnapped mentor in a 3-level top-down adventure!

MIPS Processor

MIPS Processor

Designed and implemented a single-cycle MIPS processor in its entirety as a final project for EECE 2322. Completed and testbenched in Verilog.

Dedicated Game Server

Dedicated Game Server

Scripted and hosted a dedicated game server entirely from Linux command line for my E-Sports team. Learned to implement plugins, Discord bots, and anti-cheat software.

Custom malloc() Implementation

Custom malloc() Implementation

Designed and implemented malloc() function in Computer Systems class to be faster than system malloc(). This was done in C, and I was marginally faster.

Bridg-It Java Game

Bridg-It Java Game

Created a Java game which derives from Claude Shannon's Switching Game for Fundamentals of CS II. Required heavy partner OOP programming and unit testing.